Q for Quality Distinction
Arona's tourism sector is committed to quality, which is attested to by the series of actions set in motion to acquire the Q for Quality in Tourism award for the tourist information offices within th council. This award is issued by the Spanish Institute of Tourism Quality.
This award, which has the backing of the General Secretary for Tourism of the Ministry for the Economy, recognises the introduction of a management system that ensures that clients will be afforded the highest quality in certified establishments, in terms of the installations and the services provided, which is reflected in the excellence of the product, enabling us to mark differences with our competitors.
The Q Quality Brand employs a series of criteria and affords prestige, a distinguished position, an endorsement of quality and rigour to certified establishments within the tourist sector. This brand is gaining recognition amongst consumers at national and international levels.
Última modificación: 21/04/2015 09:25:20
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